You know the saying “When life hands you lemons make lemonade,”? Life has been handing me a lot of nasty lemons lately and it has me thinking of all the things one can make when life hands you lemons.  Lemonade, yes, but what about lemon sorbet or lemon meringue pie?  There’s limoncello, lemon cake and lemon frosting to name a few. Each has its own flavor and nuances. Then there are times when you’re just hit with a tsunami of lemon juice and all you can do is ride that wave and try to keep your head above the tide.  Not so easy to do.  I’ve decided to visualize the lemons in my life as a perfectly chilled lemon drop martini with a sugar rim. Delicious with a soft little buzz.  I’m painting hope.  Life is difficult for many of us.  Don’t drown in a tide of bitter lemon juice.  Sit back on a bed of roses, raise your sparkling glass and drink it down.  To life, to joy and beauty, creativity and love.

26 thoughts on “When Life Hands You Lemons”

  1. Ive been swamped by a lemon nor’easter myself -just baked a cherry lemon torte and loaded it with sugar so my life tastes sweet enough just now. But I could also use a drink if you can spare one….

  2. Life is a roller coaster. When we are in good times, we tend to forget the bad. So when the lemons begins to drown us, we have to remember the highs and the good times and breathe long and deep. The roller coaster always goes up again. Sip that lemon martini and remember. Love you!

  3. Sharyle Doherty

    You never cease to amaze me with how you transform your life experience into beautiful meaningful art. Keep on rising above. Sending love and hugs! 💕

  4. I’ve had a few lemons drop of late myself. I always appreciate the reminder to take a moment to breathe and enjoy a well deserved treat. Thank you for your healing art.

  5. Love this one. Both the painting but also the sentiment. I hope it brings peace and joy to someone in their house!

  6. Right before class this morning I managed to hurl an entire dozen eggs on my kitchen floor… it looked a bit like a lemon juice tsunami! Your words ring true in my life, too. Thank you, always, for your words of wisdom, your beautiful art that inspires and lifts us up, and most of all for a safe place to learn and share with others the amazing journey of being creative souls . Love and hugs to you always.

  7. Beautiful painting and words. I love the colors (especially the lemon, melon, and green – really all of them.) The painting does look like hope (even without the story behind it) and also a toast to equanimity in all that is life.

  8. “Don’t drown in a tide of bitter lemon juice. Sit back on a bed of roses, raise your sparkling glass and drink it down.” I love how you said this and your painting beautifully reflects these words! I really love how you pulled off the sugar rim, too – super smart use of mica! the yellow here is so vibrants and lovely, as well – and inspired me to finally pick up that dairylide yellow i’ve been meaning to. I hope to see some more “positive lemons” pop up in your artwork here and there – you do them so wel!

    1. Thank you, Amy. Yes, hopefully more joyful lemons. The sugar rime was fun…and it was either going to work or not. SO glad it did. ANd I’m thrilled your diarylide yellow is calling to you. xox

  9. Jonathan Stoler

    Ohh Carla,
    You forever amaze me with your overflowing creativity, riding the waves of life with such grace, humility and courage.
    I so celebrate your endlessly creative spirit, incredible gushing warmth and great kindness.
    May all good things come your way as we are about to, once again, retell and envision the story of our exodus from Egypt/Slavery/ the “tight” places.
    with love,
    ~Jonathan David Stoler

    1. Thank you so much, Johnathan. I’ve been thinking of you. All good things to you and may we all come out of those tight places. xoxox

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