When a Painting Tells You What It Needs to Become

Recently I started a painting of a woman with her fist raised, eyes open and glaring.  I was angry and frustrated about some things and decided to express those feelings through my art.  The painting was still in beginning stages but it had a direction.  Then, we had to say goodbye to our sweet 22 year old cat, Zoe. She was very old and starting to suffer.  It was her time to cross the rainbow bridge.  When I kissed her goodbye, I whispered that she would live on in my art.  I was thinking of all the books and paintings she’s been in, whether as a featured muse or a little cameo.  But when I began to work on the painting again it transformed into something else entirely.  It became about love and letting go.  The fist turned into an open hand releasing a butterfly, the woman’s eyes closed and many features of the painting changed.  Zoe’s spirit is the butterfly. The woman is at peace. Those changes were a conscious decision, although I felt the painting talking with me, telling me what it needed to be.  As I worked on it I became aware that this painting is about letting go of many losses and that it is about not only my own losses, but loss in general. Most of us have lost loved ones.  My husband and I have lost our youth and aspects of health that we took for granted.  We all lost a year of our lives due to the pandemic and many of us lost people to it. There are lost hopes, dreams and opportunities.  Along with loss comes sadness, regret and, often, anger. And, while I feel those things most of the time my work brings out the best aspects of myself.  I’m very grateful to Zoe and to the muse for guiding me to create this painting and for helping me to feel acceptance, if only for a time.

5 thoughts on “When a Painting Tells You What It Needs to Become”

  1. Fredrika Mogil

    Thank you for sharing this with us. Zoe leaves behind a legacy of love. I often want to paint my emotions but am afraid I won’t be able to accomplish that goal. This blog inspires me to try again.

    1. Thank you, Freddi. WIth creativity we never can control if it will work as we expected or hoped it would. But yes, please do try. No fear. You know…practice, experiment, open your heart and see what comes out without expectation. Thank you so much for you comment.

  2. RIP lovely Zoe. Letting go of the heaviness that invades our lives right now is a very hard thing. You are a person of light… allowing the muse to lead you back to light is so healing. I find this same healing in your classes, among the people who share the love of light. Thank you for sharing your gift.

    1. Thank you, Beth, so much for these words. I am so glad to be sharing what I can and that you find thatlight and healing the classes. And, you too, are a person of light. Your being in the classes makes them richer and wonderful

  3. This is such a beautiful painting! The meaning shines forth. You have a gift for translating the ups and downs of daily life into expressive art.

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